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are you looking for a keynote speaker?

Florian has many years of experience as a keynote speaker and is internationally known. He loves to share his knowledge about topics such as:

  • Digitization

  • Innovation

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Business Models 

  • New Work 

  • Leadership 

  • Investing 

  • Start-ups

  • Sports

  • Motivation 


I am looking forward to your request. Meanwhile I'm also doing many keynotes online (due to Covid19).

Extract of previous keynotes 

"Mobile Future" @ Audi Innovation 2021


"The digital Future" @ MediaMarktSaturn Kick-off 2020 @ Berlin 


"Digital Disruption" @ NOAH Berlin


"Think Digital" @ Mobile World Congress

"Culture Is No Coincidence" @ 15 Seconds Festival


"How To Suceed In Our Ever-Evolving Entrepreneural, Hyper-Customized, Digital World" @ Audi Event


"Why Athletes Are Winners (On The Pitch & In The Board Room)" @ adidas Gameplan A


"Laufen zum Erfolg" @ Hofer 4-Excellence Event


"The Digital Future" @ McKinsey  Event


"The Runtastic Story" @ Brutkasten Birthday Bash

"Runtastic- Razor Or Blade In The adidas Family?"

@ K5 Marketing Conference


"A Long-Lasting Partnership - Runtastic & adidas"

@ Bits & Pretzels Conference


Markus Breitenecker - CEO ProSiebenSat.1PULS4

Florian Gschwandtner ist ein Vorzeigebeispiel der heimischen Startup-Szene und das österreichische Aushängeschild am internationalen Startup-Markt. Bei unserem 4GAMECHANGERS Festival setzen wir den Fokus auf digitale Revolution personifiziert durch Visionäre, Gamechangers und Start-Up-Entrepreneurs. Florian Gschwandtner ist eine einzigartige Kombi daraus und für mich ein absoluter Gamechanger. 

"Florian motivated our leadership team and showed us many interesting topics about digitization. It was a great keynote speech."

Florian Gietl, CEO MediaMarktSaturn Germany


K5 Future Retail Conference 2018(2).jpg
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